Animals | Abraham | Miraculous Events | The Nation of Israel | Books of the Bible |
What is dragon
Satan is know as the great
Who is Sarah
I was the wife of Abraham
Who is Jesus
I resurrected Lazarus
What is 12
There was this many tribes of Israel
What is 66
There are this many books of the Bible
What is 7
This many of each clean animal was brought into the ark
Who is Lot
He was my nephew who settled in Sodom
Who is Peter
I walked on water to meet Jesus
What is Jerusalem
The temple was located in this city
What is 40
This many men wrote the Bible
What is lamb
Jesus was represented by this animal
What is a ram
I sacrificed this animal instead of my son Isaac
What is frogs
This was the second plague that was brought upon the Egyptians
What is 40
The nation of Israel wandered in the wilderness for this many years
What is Colossians
This book comes before 1 Thessalonians
What is dove
This animal was sent out to see if the waters of the flood had receded
What is Ur
I was living in this city before Jehovah told me to go to Canaan
Who is Elijah
I was carried off by a fiery war chariot
What is 12 gemstones
The high priest of Israel was commissioned to wear this on his breastplate
Who is the apostle John
I wrote the book of Revelation
What is a donkey
It was with the jawbone of this animal that Samson slew 1000 men
Who is Ishmael
I was Abraham's eldest son
Who is Paul
I was bitten by a poisonous viper yet was unharmed
What is 6
There was this many cities of refuge
What is the penteteuch
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are collectively known as this