Food | Paul | Noah | Joseph | Others |
How many fish did Jesus use to feed 5 thousand people?
an earthquake
When Paul and Silas where in prison what happened?
40 days and 40 nights.
How long did it rain during the flood?
a coat of many colors.
What did Josephs father give him?
Washed them.
What did Mary do to Jesus feet when he came to her house?
How Many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed 5 thousand people?
he was blinded for three days
When Paul converted he needed help returning to Damascus, why?
300 cubits
How long was the Ark?
Sold him into slavery
What did his brothers do to him?
The stone was rolled away?
When Mary went to Jesus' tomb to prepare the body what did she find?
God fed Moses and the Isrealites as they wandered in the wilderness, what did he feed them?
They converted the Jailor.
How did Paul and Silas get out of prison?
a rainbow
What was God's sign that the flooding had ended?
Goats Blood
What did they smear on the coat, to trick his father into believing that Joseph was dead?
stabbed him with a spear
To make sure Jesus was dead, a Roman soldier did what?
Jesus broke this at the last supper.
Where was Paul ship wrecked?
a dove
When the rain ended Noah sent our what animal to search for land?
In Egypt
Where did Joseph end up?
Read the writing on the wall
Daniel was called to do what for king Nebacunezzer?
Jesus turned this into wine at a wedding.
Paul was in danger in Jerusalem, instead of being tried there, he requested to be tried where, as was his right as a citizen of this place?
an olive branch
When the dove returned, what was in its mouth?
The Pharoh
Joseph became an advisor for whom?
How many Books are there in the old testament?