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I showed how much I loved Jesus by anointing his feet with my most expensive perfume.
The Stone
First I covered the door of Jesus' tomb, but on the third day, I was rolled away.
Jesus rode on the back of a donkey to this place.
"Did You Know?"
The theme for this month.
I took care of the money bag, but kept some of the money for myself!
The Donkey
Jesus rode on my back when he came into Jerusalem.
Lazarus lived here, and mary anointed Jesus' feet here.
Did you know Jesus is alive?
The Big Idea this week.
Jesus raised me from the dead.
Mary's perfume
Made of the most expensive ingredients, I was spread on Jesus' feet and everyone could smell me.
For years the Hebrews lived here as slaves until Moses led them out.
Did you know Jesus is the king of everything?
The Big Idea last week.
Jewish leaders and priests
We did not like the people calling Jesus "king".
The rocks and the trees
Even if Jesus' disciples had remained silent, we would have shouted out praise for him.
The tomb
The women were surprised that no one was here on Easter morning.
Did you know we can love Jesus more than anything?
The Big Idea on the first week of "Did You Know?"