WHO SAID? | In which book ? | Where did it take place? | Order of Books . | Who did it ? |
Who is Cain
I know not , am i my brother's keeper
What is Ephesians.
The armor of God is listed .
What is Golgatha.
Jesus was crucified at this spot.
What is Genesis .
This book comes before Exodus.
The son of David who wanted to kill him.
Who is David.
LORD, how are they increased that trouble me!
What is 1 Samuel .
David is anointed.
What is Tarshish
Jonah tries to flee from the Lord to this city
What is Proverbs.
This books comes after Psalms
Who is Saul/Paul
Consented to stephen's stoning .
Who is Herod
Go and search diligently for the child and when ye have found him bring me word again that i may worship him also.
What is Galatians .
The fruit of the Spirit is listed
Paul's Shipwreck
What is Malachi .
The last book of the Old Testament
Who is uriah.
He was sent to the frontlines to die by David .
Who is Isaiah
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hat laid on him the iniquity of us all
1 Kings
Jeroboam dies.
The village of Samson's Birth
What is Romans.
The 6th book of the New Testament
Who is Job.
He was told to curse God and die .
Who is Ezekiel.
And the word of God came unto me saying, Son of man, set thy face toward the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them.
1 Chronicles.
Solomon is named King
What is Midian.
Where did moses flee to after killing the egyptian.
What is Jude.
This book comes before The book of Revelaton
Simon Magnus.
Wanted the purchase the Holy Spirit