Also known as | The Judges | Mounts of the Bible | Angels | A place? |
Who is Paul?
Who is Gideon?
this judge and his 300 men defeated the Midianites
What is Mount Zion?
the symbolic heavenly location of God’s Kingdom
Who is Michael?
The archangel
What is Sheol?
the common grave of mankind, in Hebrew
What is Mara?
Naomi wanted to be called this
Who is Samson?
a nazrite who liked riddles
What is Mount Sinai
Where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments
Who is Gabriel?
The Angel that appeared to Daniel, Zechariah and Mary.
What is Hades?
the common grave of mankind, in Greek
Who is Hananiah?
Who is Jephthah?
the judge that gave his daughter to serve at the sanctuary
What is the Mount of Olives?
from where Jesus ascended to heaven
What are Cherubs?
Angels that were posted at the Eas entrance to the garden of Eden with a flaming blade of a sword.
What is Armageddon/Har-Megedon?
where the kings of the earth gather in opposition to Jehovah
Who is Esther?
Who is Deborah?
the only female judge mentioned in the Bible.
What is Mount Carmel?
where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal
What are Seraphs?
High-ranking angels stationed about Jehovah’s throne in the heavens.
What is Tartarus?
A prisonlike, abased condition into which God cast disobedient angels in Noah’s day.
Who is Joseph?
Who is Ehud?
the left-handed judge that killed Moabite King Eglon
What is Mount Moriah?
also called the Temple Mount, for it is where Solomon built a temple to Jehovah.
Who is Balaam?
An Angel was seen by this man’s donkey
What is the Lake of Fire/Gehenna?
everlasting destruction, annihilation.