Creation | The Flood | Abram/Abraham | Exodus | Books of the Bible |
What is : The first verse in the Bible / Gen. 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
What is 40 days and 40 nights
Length of rain
Who is: Sarai
Abram's wife
What is Mount Horeb
God spoke to Moses here
What is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Books of law
What is: Man
Created in their Image
What is 600 years old
Noah's age at time of the flood.
Who is: Hagar
Sarai's servant
What is a burning bush
God spoke through
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Gospels
What is: The word
With God in the beginning
What is 8
Number of people on the Ark
Who is : Ishmael
Hagar's son
What is: I Am
God's name
What is Acts
New Testament Bookof History
What is: The 5th day
The birds of the air and creatures of the sea
What is : a rainbow
God's promise sign
What is 100 years old
Age of Abraham when Isaac was born.
What is: 10
Number of plagues in Egypt
What is Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,Song of songs.
Books of poetry
What is: The Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates.
4 rivers in Eden
What is: 150 days
Waters prevailed on the earth this long.
What is a ram
Animal that appeared during The sacrifice of Isaac
What is 40 years
Time spent in the wilderness
What is Romans
Paul's first letter
Who is Isaiah
Prophet that prophesied a Virgin birth and the name Immanuel.