Faithful Women | Faithful Apostles | Daily Text Scriptures | Original Songs | Fruitage of the Spirit |
Who is Esther
Esther 4:4-8
She Stood Up for God’s People
Who is Matthew
Matthew 9:9
I was one of those despised tax collectors
What is —Ps. 32:5
I confessed my sin to you; I did not cover my error. . . . And you pardoned the error of my sins.
What is With Eyes of Faith
Why should I fear the lion? Why should I fear any foe? With Jehovah by my side, I will not run and hide. My God is with me; this I know.
What is Peace
In this context, _____ involves tranquility of mind and heart that comes from cultivating a close relationship with Jehovah,
Who is Hannah
1 Samuel 1:9-11
She Opened Her Heart to God in Prayer
Who is Peter
Luke 22: 61-62
But his was also the keen grief of seeing his Master give him a look of reproach and sorrow for having denied him three times.
What is 2 Tim. 3:16
All Scripture is inspired of God.
What is Our Joy Eternally
The stars that fill the summer night Look down from above. The beauty of the day and night, You fashioned with love.
What is Patience
“Longness of spirit” and denotes calm endurance, forbearance, and slowness to anger. Jehovah God is the supreme example of_____
Who is Deborah
Judges 5:7
“I Arose as a Mother in Israel”
Who is James and John
Mark 3: 16-17
My brother and I where known as "Sons of Thunder "
What is Eccl. 3:1, 7
There is . . . a time to be silent.
What is Use Your Strength for Jehovah’s Name
When you were younger, life seemed so simple. You did your best to do what’s right—Giving answers and preaching the good news; You would pray each and ev’ry night.
What is Kindness
The quality or state of taking an active interest in the welfare of others and acting toward them in a friendly and helpful way. Jehovah God shows _____ even toward the unthankful and wicked.
Who is Sarah
Genesis 17:15, 16 (Footnote)
God Called Her “Princess”
Who is Andrew
John 1:41-42
He first found his own brother Simon and said to him: “We have found the Messiah”(which means, when translated, “Christ”) and he led him to Jesus
What is Matt. 28:19
Make disciples
What is Give Me Courage
Feeling fear is human. In my own strength, I’m frail.
You have been my rock and refuge; Your power never fails. Help me be courageous, And let my heart be brave. Lasting harm can never hold me—No prison, gate, or grave. |
What is Goodness
The quality or state of being ____; moral excellence; virtue.
Who is Mary
Luke 2:25-35
She Survived the Sword of Grief
Who is Peter and John
Acts 5: 19-20
But during the night, Jehovah sent an angel, who opened the prison doors and told the apostles: ‘Go back to the temple, and teach there.’
What is Esther 4:11
He is to be put to death
What is The Best Life Ever
This world would like to make me lonely, but I got my friends with me. We’re trying hard to help others find friends eternally. When I would worry about me, oh, this world would bring me down. I’m feeling better lifting others off the ground. Look what I’ve found.
What is Faith
“Faith is not a possession of all people.” To have strong _____, a person must have Jehovah’s holy spirit.