Christ Church Genesis
Who is the Lamb of God (John 1:29)
This title was proclaimed by John the Baptist denoting Christ as the one who takes away the sin of the world
What is a physical building
This object is the most common misunderstanding of what the church is.
Who is Noah (Gen 6, 7)
This man turned the age by cooperating and working with God to build an Ark and survived the flood.
What is the bronze serpent (John 3:14, Num 21:9)
Moses lifted up this object in the wilderness when the children of Israel sinned against God and thus fiery serpents were loosed to bite many Isrealites. This object typifies Christ as the one who had the form of a sinner but did not contain the poison of sin.
Who is Eve
This character in the Old Testament typifies the church as the one who came of out Christ and shares the same divine life of Christ.
Who is Isaac (Gen 22)
This person was nearly offered as a burnt offering to God by his father until the Angel of Jehovah interjected and provided a ram to be used instead
Who is the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor 15:45)
This title is the result of the second “becoming” that Christ went through. This becoming is when Christ was crucified and resurrected from the dead.
What is the Body of Christ (Eph 1:22-23)
This title of the church illustrates how every member in the church shares the same divine life of Christ and is not an organization, but an organism.
Who is Enoch (Gen 5:22-24)
This man is the first man in the bible to be raptured and has never tasted death.
Who is the Holy One, the true One, the One who has the key of David (Rev 3:7)
This revelation of Christ was given to the church in Philadelphia which is fitting as they kept His word of endurance, did not deny His name, and were given the key to the kingdom with the authority to open and shut.
Who is the church of God (1 Cor 1:2)
This title was used by Paul to address the believers in Corinth, some of whom had fallen into division, had lawsuits amongst each other, ate things sacrificed to idols, and abused their freedom amongst many other problems within the church.
Who is Judah (Gen 49:8-10)
This child of Israel was blessed, personified as a young lion, and given the symbol of the kingdom of God denoting the kingly authority of Christ.
Who is the Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. (Isa 9:6)
These two titles in Isaiah prophesies Christ and illustrates the co-inherence of the Father and the Son because these two titles are used to identify the same Person.
Who is the church in Ephesus, the church in Smyrna, the church in Pergamos, the church in Thyatira, the church in Sardis, the church in Philadelphia, the church in Laodicea.
These seven churches were addressed to by the Lord through John the apostle in Revelation. They typify the seven stages of the church throughout history and are a strong indicator of one city, one church.
Who is the All-sufficient God (Gen 17:1, 19:19)
Jehovah revealed Himself as this title to an elderly man who found favor in God’s eyes, yet was unable to fulfill a covenant.

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