Daniel | Christmas | Disciples | Jesus | Review |
He prayed to his God.
Why was Daniel thrown into the lions den?
A star
What did the wisemen follow to find Jesus?
How many disciples are there?
How many people did Jesus feed with 5 loaves and two fish?
Who built an alter, dosed it with water, prayed to God, so that the alter was engulfed in flame?
The governors (a.k.a. satraps).
Who was jealous of Daniel?
King Herod
Who wanted to kill all male children in Jerusalem, age two and under?
Which disciple betrayed Jesus to the Romans?
How old was Jesus when he first taught at the temple?
How many days did Gioliath challenge the Hebrew army.
Worship or bow down to idols.
What did Daniel refuse to do?
Which angel appeared to Mary to tell here about Jesus?
Which disciple was a tax collector before he joined Jesus?
A carpenter
Jesus's father Joseph did what for a living?
How many plagues did Moses release onto Egypt?
They desiged a decree/law that anyone who prays to any god or human being except King Darius during the next 30 days show be thrown into the lion's den.They put it in writing, the King sign it, and it couldn't be repealed.
What did the governors do to trick King Darius, which led to Daniel's arrest?
The Cencus to be counted
Why where Mary and Joesph in Jerusalem?
Who denied Knowing Jesus, three times?
Who washed Jesus's feet while her sister cooked and served?
The golden calf
Moses destroyed the original 10 comandments, what did he small with them?
God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions and calm them, so they wouldn't hurt Daniel.
Why was Daniel not injured (or eaten) while in the lion's den?
King Herod
Who wanted the wise men to tell him where Jesus was?
Who would not beleive Jesus was alive till he put his fingers in the spear wound?
Golgotha, the place of the skull.
Where was Jesus crucified?
How many stones did David take to face Goliat?