In The Beginning | In The Wilderness | Jesus' Teachings | The Gospels | Random Stuff |
What is the heavens and the earth?
(Gen. 1:1)
In the beginning, God created this.
What was a golden calf? (Ex. 32:4)
Aaron made this idol for the Israelites when Moses was on Mt. Sinai.
Who was David?
This Israelite king wrote many of the Psalms.
What is "rest"? (Matt. 11:28)
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you..." this.
Who was Luke?
This man was the human author of the book of Luke.
What was the Garden of Eden? (Gen. 3:24)
God sent Adam and Eve out of this paradise when they sinned.
What was Egypt? (Ex. 1:8-11)
This was the nation that held the Israelites as slaves before God called Moses to free them.
What were pigs? (Matt. 8:31-32)
When Jesus cast out the legion of demons, they went into a herd of these animals.
What is "your heart"? (Matt. 6:21)
"For where your treasure is..." this will be there also.
Who were the Pharisees? (Matt. 23:2-3)
This influential religious group that Jesus often criticized obeyed a very strict set of rules and their name means "the separated ones."
What are good and evil?
(Gen. 3:5)
The serpent tempted Eve and told her that when she ate the fruit, she would be like God and know this.
What is manna? (Ex. 16:31)
God provided this white food that tasted like wafers made with honey to the Israelites for 40 years while they wandered in the wilderness.
What was the donkey? (Num. 22:28)
This animal spoke to Balaam after Balaam beat her three times.
What is "follow me"? (Mark 8:34)
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and..." do this.
Who was Judas Iscariot? (Mark 14:43-45)
This disciple betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
What is the rainbow? (Gen. 9:13)
This multicolored natural phenomenon is God's sign of his covenant with all people and all living things.
Who were the Levites? (Num. 3:12)
This tribe of Israel was chosen by God to belong to him and serve him specially.
What was the roof? (Mark 2:4)
Four friends dug a hole in this so that their paralyzed friend could see Jesus.
What is "all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength"? (Mark 12:29-30)
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with..." these.
Who was John the Baptist? (Luke 3:4)
He was the one that Isaiah the prophet called the messenger who prepared the way for Jesus.
What was believed the Lord? (Gen. 15:6)
Abram did this, and the Lord counted it as righteousness.
Who was Phinehas? (Num. 25:7-8)
This man was jealous for God and speared the man who sinned and the Midianite woman he brought with him through their bellies.
What is Gethsemane? (Mark 14:32)
Jesus prayed in this garden the night he was arrested that God's will, not his, would be done.
What is "repent"? (Matt. 4:17)
After Jesus was tempted by Satan, he began preaching, telling people to do this, because "the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Who are sinners? (Luke 5:32)
When people complained that Jesus was eating with tax collectors, he said, "those who are well have no need of a doctor, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but..." these people to repentance.