Famous People | Parables | Acts | Death Of Jesus | Resurrection |
What is Jesus Christ
Who died for your sins?
What is Parable of the Prodical Son
The son that ran away
What is Pentacost
The people who cause the holy spirt
What is Judas
Who betrayed Jesus?
What is the Sabbath Day
What day did Jesus rise on?
What is Saul
Who went and killed christians?
What is Prable of the 10 Virgins
Some was prepared Some wasnt prepared for the bridal feast
What is Matthias
Who was chosen the replace Judas?
What is 30 peices of silver
How much was his betrayor paid?
What is Roman Solider
Who gaurded the tomb?
What is Peter
Which Diciple cut the ear off the High Preist?
What is Parable of the Good Samaritan
Love your neibor
What is Ananias & Sapphira
Who was the two people that lied to the disciplies?
What is Simon
Who help Jesus carry the cross
What is a Angel
Who came and suprised the Guards?
What is Mary
This Woman gave birth to Jesus.
What is Parable of the Lost Sheep
God forgives those who are lost
What is the Jews
Who was the early Christians?
What is Casting Lots/Gambling
What were the soliders doing with Jesus' clothes?
What is Mary the mother of Jesus & Mary Mandalene
Who visted the tomb?
What is Judas
Who hung hisself?
What is parable of the weeds
The Man that sowed weeds in the feild
What is 3,000
How many became belivers?
What is High Preist
Who didnt want to have anything to do with Jesus?
What is Do not be afraid
What did the Angel say to the two women?