Bible | New Testment. | Old Testment. | Songs |
Who were the first people to disobey God?
Adem and Eve.
Who did Jesus rise from the dead?
Who was Samson’s wife?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
Who were the 12 disciples?
James John Andrew Bartholomew or Nathanael James, the Lesser or Younger Judas Jude or Thaddeus Matthew or Levi Philip Simon the Zealot Thomas |
Who was Cain’s first son?
How many chapters are in the Old Testament?
929 chapters.
In what city was Jesus born?
Who turned into a pillar of salt in the book of Genesis?
Lot's wife.
How many chapters are in the New Testament?
260 chapters.
Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus?
Peter and Andrew.
Who said, “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”?
How many chapters are in the bible?
1,189 chapters.
How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish?
About 5000 men.
Who hid Joshua’s spies from Jericho’s king?