Joseph | Mary and joshep | Noah |
What did joshep father give joshep
A colorful shirt
Did they born Jesus in a house? If no then where?
No at a stable
When joshep was sold was he a slave for his rest of life?when the brothers came did he reconinze his brother?
Why did they go to Egypt?
The king was killing all baby boys under 3
Who was thee youngest in josheps family?
Who had a dream that said wake up and go to Egypt?
Who was the brother who said after they threw joshep in the hole he said I'll take u out
When the 3 мудрытсы came to the king to say where is the new king what did the kind say
Find him and when u do come tell me where he is so I can worship him to
When the brothers came what did joshep say they were?
Did the мудрытсы go back to the king if they didn't how do u know
No because they had a dream not to go