FUSD | LCFF/LCAP | SAT Policy Goals | Bonus |
What is
English: 31% all FUSD Students Math: 22% of all FUSD Students
From this past school year in 2015-16, what percentage of all FUSD students passed English and Math State Test scores
What percentage of Local Control and Accountability Program (LCAP) money is designated for English Learners
What percentage of students in FUSD are English Language Learners
Michael Hanson
The superintendent of FUSD
What is 86%
What percentage of FUSD students are Low Income
Between $100,000-$200,000
How many LCFF Dollars are given to each elementary school site for your School Site Council to oversee
ELAC- English Learner Advisory Committee, SSC-School Site Council, Parent University, DAC- District Advisory Committee
What are four ways FUSD engages parents at school
Tammy Townsend
Who runs the LCAP community engagement events
What is $1585
How much money does FUSD spend per pupil
$673 million
In the current school year 2016-17, how many millions of dollars did FUSD receive for their LCFF
Restorative practices/justice
In 2013, Fresno Unified adopted a program to prioritize social-emotional learning as a way of being and doing together in a safe and caring learning community. What is it called
How many members are on the school board
What is 11%
During the 2014-2015 school year, what percentage of students were suspended from Fresno Unified
8 community engagement events (McLane, Sunnyside, Hoover, (Design Science/Duncan/Patino), Edison, Fresno, Bullard, and Roosevelt
How many FUSD LCAP community forums are scheduled for this school year
Low Income, English Language Learners, and Foster Youth
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is school money received from the state to serve 3 high-needs student populations. What are those 3 groups
How many students does FUSD serve