Characters | Setting | Plot | Vocab | Miscellaneous |
Who is Peter Williamson? (Pilot)
This is the main character.
What was 1940?
This year is when the story takes place.
What are shock and fatigue?
This is the reason the pilot jumped out of the plane.
What is a basin?
This is a wide, round, open container used for holding liquid.
What is a yard sign?
This is where the title, "Beware of the Dog", comes from.
Who is the Nurse?
This person tells the pilot that he is in Brighton.
What is France?
This is the country where the pilot ends up landing.
What are plane engines?
This is the sound the pilot hears while in the hospital.
What is the Royal Air Force?
This is the name of the German
Who is Roald Dahl?
This is the author's name.
Who is the Doctor?
This person is bald, small, and has a cheerful face and kind eyes.
What is Brighton?
This is the city they want him to believe he is in.
What is Garde au Chien?
This is the French translation of the title.
What is undulating?
This is when things move in a wave pattern.
What is WW2?
This is the war going on during the story.
Who is the Wing Commander(RAF Officer)?
This man asks the pilot some questions about himself.
What is The Spitfire?
This is the name of the plane the pilot flies.
What is Squadron Leader?
This is the rank of the Pilot.
What is a rickshaw?
This is a small, two-wheeled carriage that is pulled by a person.
Where is Wales?
This is where the author was born.
What is his right leg?
This body part is what the pilot was injured from.
What was the Battle of Britain?
This is the battle that took place two days before the story.
Who was Johnny?
This was the name of the pilot’s intelligence officer.
What are Lancasters?
These are British heavy bomber planes.
What is 972457?
This is the pilot's number.