Buddy Pair Trivia | Pets | Special Talents | Fun Facts | Fun Facts Continued |
Which pair loves to make bracelets together?
Keyon and Eleanor
Who has a lab husky?
Madison Chriske
Who sang a solo at the Crystals Christmas concert?
Kayla Wilson
Who has visited 50 states and capitals?
Ben Nuttle
Who is a dancer?
Sophia Clinton
Which pair loves listening to the Jonas Brothers?
Wil, Tyler, and Mikayla
Who would choose to get a border collie if they could have a pet?
Lucy Cler
Who went to sectionals for girls' track?
Sophia Marasco, Hannah Pirami, Lucy Cler
Who's favorite food is a cheeseburger?
Zuriel Cardenas
Who is a huge comic book fan?
Grayson Arndt
Which pair's favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A?
Bella and Calla
Who has two dogs named Rey and Sunshine?
Sophia Matson
Who starred in the winter play and spring musical?
Hannah Questell
Who's favorite color is red?
Maha Almohamad
Who loves to watch cooking shows?
Peyton Taylor
Which pair's favorite activity together is bowling?
Colleen, Georgie, and Hannah
Who has a dog named Bella and will be getting a dog named Brady?
Taylor Sargeant
Who performed in a recital for their dance class today?
Sammy Merisko
Who loves bees?
Olivia Mikelson
Who has dyed their hair red, green, blue, and brown?
Jenna Allen
Which pair dressed up as characters from Scooby Doo for Halloween?
Ethan and Carol Marie
Who has a rat named Esther?
Eliza Taylor-Berry
Who was the captain of the bowling team that went to state this year?
Lani Breedlove
Who has 4 brothers whose names all start with the letters "Br-"?
Braxton Whowell
Who loves the movie Elf?
George Anderson