Berkeley | Professors' Deep Dark Secrets | UPE & CS | Estimations | Free Response |
a) 307
What is the height of the Sather Tower in feet?
a) 307 b) 298 c) 402 d) 356 |
c) Physics
What major did Dr. Nick Weaver start out as as an undergraduate at Berkeley before switching over to CS?
a) Chemistry b) Psychology c) Physics d) Bioengineering |
b) Brown
What was Soda Hall's original planned color?
a) Black b) Brown c) Hot Pink d) Blue |
How many countries are there in Africa?
List 5 food items on the Macdonald's menu.
c) Bolivia
Which country has not had a former head of state attend UC Berkeley?
a) Chile b) Pakistan c) Bolivia d) Mexico |
c) Philosophy
What did Professor Denero get his master's degree in?
a) CS b) Math c) Philosophy d) Psychology |
b) 1860 Le Roy
What's Soda Hall's mailing address?
a) 2250 Hearst b) 1860 Le Roy c) 1920 Le Roy d) 1717 La Loma |
How many sonnets has Shakespeare written?
List 20 restaurants around Berkeley.
b) Pokemon Go
John Hanke (Cal MBA, 1996) is famous for developing which revolutionary mobile app?
a) Candy Crush b) Pokemon Go c) Angry Birds d) Tinder |
b) Dan Garcia
Which professor has "Full Frontal Nerdity" as the title of his personal webpage?
a) Josh Hug b) Dan Garcia c) Anant Sahai d) Gireeja Ranade |
d) Computer and Informational Sciences
UPE in Greek stands for "Υπολογιστή Πληροφορίες Επιστήμες". What does this stand for?
a) Computer Sciences and Engineering b) Zero, One, and the Abacus c) Computer Honor Society d) Computer and Informational Sciences |
What year was the Magna Carta Signed?
List 30 idioms.
In the series finale of "Hannah Montana", Hannah is seen entering which Berkeley building (after saying she is attending Stanford)?
a) VLSB b) Doe Library c) Evans Hall d) Wheeler Hall |
a) Samosa
What is the name of John Denero's dog?
a) Samosa b) Cupcake c) Oreo d) Cinnamon |
d) Editor of the Oakland Tribune
Which below isn't true about Chet Soda (Soda Hall's namesake)?
a) Co-owned the Oakland Raiders b) Was president of the Port of Oakland c) Became a Knight of Malta d) Editor of the Oakland Tribune |
What is Unites States' GDP per capita in 2020
List the 55 states without repeats and mistakes.
b) United Nations
The UC Berkeley printing press provided the official documents establishing which international organization in 1945?
a) NATO b) United Nations c) Warsaw Pact d) NAFTA |
c) Dragonball-Z
Which anime did Professor Sahai NOT list as one of his favorites?
a) Vampire Princess Miyuu b) Totoro c) Dragonball-Z d) Ranma 1/2 |
c) 1893
Cory Hall is named after Prof. Clarence Cory, Berkeley's first EE professor. What year did he become a professor?
a) 1871 b) 1885 c) 1893 d) 1901 |
What is the price of a Big Mac in China in USD (2020 stats)?
List the 12 greek gods and goddesses.