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What is Rapid option G.6
This screen shows you CCB payments we sent to the TP
What is the NBCTB and NBSS?
This is the provincial program for New Brunswick related to the CCB.
What is the T1 Return?
This is how you apply for the GSTC
What is the Critical Events Calendar?
This is where you go to see when Benefits will be issued and their run dates
What is activity type 0307?
The activity type we use for GSTC T1BEN creation.
What is Rapid option D.02.09
This screen shows you child details
What is Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee, temporary resident, and an Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act?
These are the different types of eligible citizenship statuses under the CCB.
What is the RC151?
This is the form used for new residents who want to apply for the GSTC
What is the BOM?
This is a resource can use to reference benefits information. Hint: 3.
This is the acronym used when TP's spouse is non-resident without a SIN.
What is T1BEN
This system allows you to leave a private notepad
What is the AFNI and children in care (child's age, number of children, if they qualify for CDB)?
These are the factors used when calculating the CCB.
What is the dual applicant?
This is what the spouse who doesn't receive the GST is called
What is base year 2018?
The base year for benefit period July 2019 to June 2020
What is Benefits Examination Team?
This was the name of the department before it became Benefits Compliance.
What is SFS
You use this resource when TP requests a manual payment
What is code 1842?
The category code for CCB when creating a T1BEN
What is $612?
This is the maximum GST you can receive in the 2021 base year for married couples with no child
What is the Online intercept request form?
We use this when redirecting a payment
What is "Clos"?
We type this on the Case Information Screen, on the Command line at the bottom of the screen.
What is Rapid option D.X.12
This is the system used to see citizenship information
What is the CCB Young Child Supplement?
This was a payment given to families with children under the age of six to help pay for a wide range of expenses.
What is a reassessment of the return affecting AFNI, child turns 19 years old, number of children in care changes, recipient dies, marital status change,
your eligible child turns 19 years of age, start or end of custody over child
These are the factors which can recalculate your GST payments
What is form CTB9?
This is used with the RC66 when the spouse or common-law is a non-resident.
What is $71,060?
When you have one child in your care, your total CCB payment is reduced by $2,678 + 3.2% of your income greater than this amount.