Parts of Speech | Princess & The Frog | Shapes | How many legs? | Abbreviations |
What is a noun?
Person, place or thing
What is New Orleans?
What city did the movie take place in?
What is a pentagon?
5 sides
What is 8?
A spider
What is as soon as possible?
What is a verb?
A word that shows action or a state of being
What is a trumpet?
Louis the alligator plays this instrument
What is a triangle?
3 sides
What is 2?
A penguin
What is the United States of America?
What is a adjective?
A word that describes a noun
Who is Charlotte/Lottie?
Tiana's best friend
What is a octagon?
8 sides
What is 6?
A ant
What is laugh out loud OR lots of love?
What is a adverb?
A word that gives more information about a verb
Who is Prince Naveen?
The frog turned into who?
What is a hexagon?
6 sides
What is 10?
A crab or lobster
What is Minneapolis?
What a pronoun?
A word that can be used instead of a noun
Because they didn't kiss before midnight OR it wasn't true love
Charlotte kissed Naveen, but neither one of them turned human again; Why?
What is a decagon?
10 sides
What is 1?
A snail
What is libra [pound]