Fill in the Blank | Multiple Choice | True or false |
The paths you choose right now can shape your ____.
C) Wrong Path
The wrong friend group can send you down a....
A) Good Path B) Happy Path C) Wrong Path D) Exciting Path |
Living in the moment in the best way to live.
Your friends make a huge ____ on you.
D) All of the above
We often choose our friends based on who accepts us, This is not always good because..
A) They might not be nice to you B) They might make bad decisons C) They might influence you to do bad decisons D) All of the above |
When you label someone you are pre-judging them.
Control your own ____ or someone else will.
B) A motto that states what your life's about
What is a personal mission statement?
A) The way you see something B) A motto that states what your life's about C) The path you should take D) What your friends follow |
When you make a HUGE mistake even though you may think it, every thing is not over.
You are the ____ of your life, not the passenger.
D) All of the above
In order to make a personal mission statement you must...
A) Uncover your talents B) Think about the events you can't control C) Find out what is important to you D) All of the above |
Having no friends for a time is better then having the wrong friends.
It is better to have __ friends for time then the wrong friends.
A) Trying to make it perfect
A big mistake teens make when writting their thesis statement is....
A) Trying to make it perfect B) Writting a rough draft C) Making it original D) None of the above |
What you do about your schooling does not affect your future in any way.