Places and Spaces Buzz Words What's Going Down Around Town
What is Center for Academic Achievement
Midterms won't get me down, they'll help me get an "A" in this class.
What is FASFA
Apply every year to receive these federal funds.
What is Student Life
From book readings to fairs, this office helps you show your Panther Pride all year long.
What is Disability Support Services
To Note-takers, to extra time, they have everything I need to succeed.
What is Title IX
Fair play in the sandbox due to this law's protection.
What is Registration
You do this every semester to get one class closer to graduation.
What is Career Development
From internships to part time jobs, money is always on their mind.
What is Plagiarism
Their words are their own, you should take care not to steal them.
What is Convocation
Start each school year off right with this celebration.

BCCC New Student Orientation

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