STARTS WITH FOOT | Ends with Head | Ends with Line | Starts with Out | Ends with Time |
What is Football
An oval made out of pigskin for a game on the gridiron
What is Forehead
The top of your face, you may wrinkle it when you are perplexed
What is Clothesline
Where you hang your laundry
What is Outside or Outdoor
Not in the house
What is Lunchtime
When you eat the noon meal
What is Footstep
The sound of walking
What is Redhead
An name for someone with bright auburn hair
What is Waistline
the middle of your body where your belt goes
What is Outfield
Where baseball players stand to catch the balls
What is Halftime
A break in the middle of football game
What is Footstool or Footrest
A place to prop up your feet when you sit down
What is Hothead
Someone who gets angry very quickly
What is Bloodline
Your ancestry or pedigree
What is Outspoken
An adjective for a blunt talker
What is Lifetime
The span of a person's years
What is Footwear
Another name for shoes
What is Letterhead
Business Stationary
What is Timeline
A schedule of when things happen
What is Outback
The rural part of Australia
What is Bedtime
When you go to sleep at night
What is Footlocker
Where soldiers store their gear in the barracks
What is Copperhead
A poisonous snake
What is Deadline
The time when something is due, like an assignment or a bill
What is Outlook
An optimist is a rosy one
What is Ragtime
A style of early jazz music