Battle of Fort Ticonderoga | Battle of Trenton | Battle of Saratoga | Battle of Yorktown | The Battle of Yorktown Song |
What is the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga?
This was the first offensive victory for the Patriots in the Revolutionary war:
1. Battle of Bunker Hill 2. Battle of Fort Ticonderoga 3. Battle of King's Mountain 4. Battle of Trenton |
What is the Delaware River?
On Novermber 21, 1776, about 5,000 Americans with their leader Geroge Washington left Hackenshack on the ____ river. Their spirits and morale were all so low, that even their leader said to his brother "I think the game is pretty near up."
What did King Louis XVI think about the Battle?
The Battle of Saratoga convinced King Louis XVI that the Americans could fight for what they thought was right and they could hold their own against the British Army. This sealed the alliance between America and France.
How did the American soldiers get from New York City to Yorktown?
The American army, along with their leaders George Washington and Rochambeau marched hundreds of miles from New York City to Yorktown, making their journey the largest troop movement of the American Revolution.
(OPTIONAL: Song from Hamilton (the best musical) about the Battle of Yorktown)
What is the date that they took over Fort Ticonderoga?
On May 9, 1775, because of the strategic location of Fort Ticonderoga, 100 men crossed Lake Champlain. Due to the fact that most of the soldiers inside Fort Ticonderoga were already alseep, the commander of the fort quickly surrendered the fort. Both Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold were ordered to take the approximately 100 canons stored in the fort. They hadn't arrived in Boston until January 1776.
What happened when the American rebels arrived at Trenton?
At about eight o'clock on December 26, 1776, the American troops who arrived by boat surprised a Hessian guard who was stationed about a half-mile outside Trenton. The Germans were quickly captured or dispersed. Immediatly after this, General Sullivan's troops approached the town of Trenton.
Why did General John Burgoyne surrender?
By October 7, General John Burgoyne sent out a reconnaissance force to attack the Americans in Bemis Heights. The Americans, realizing this, forced the British to withdraw. General John Burgoyne tried to retreat, but due to the heavy rain, was stopped. Within two days, Horatio Gates’ soldiers surrounded what remained of Burgoyne’s army. Burgoyne's army surrendered immediately, realizing that they had no other option.
How did the Battle of Yorktown end?
When the British Army, led by General Charles Cornwallis, was retreating to Yorktown, General George Washington was marching his army down from the north to Yorktown as well. The French Navy too, having defeated the British Navy, started to move to Yorktown. The three of them, the American army with the French and the British army, met in Yorktown in the last battle of the American Revolution. Due to the fact that the soldiers that the French and American army had combined was much more than the soldiers that General Cornwallis had, General Cornwallis was surrounded. General Cornwallis finally admitted defeat and surrendered, just as General George Washington was about to attack again.
What are the Green Mountain Boys?
They fought with their leader Ethan Allen, getting help from Benedict Arnold against William Delaplace. They took over a small British fort by the name of Fort Ticonderoga.
1. The East Brookmen 2. The Revolutionary Rebels 3. The Green Mountain Boys 4. The Rebel Fighters |
What was George's Washington's last plan?
Determined to turn the tides of the battle and to restore American morale, Washington attacked the three Hessian battalions stationed at Trenton, a force of about 1,200 soldiers under Colonel Johann Rall's command. The boldness of Washington's plan of attack lay partly in its timing: the Continental troops would approach Trenton in the hours of December 26th. Due to the fact that the Hessians, at that exact time, were at their most vulnerable, George Washington and his army managed to defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton.
Who was Benedict Arnold?
When people hear about the name "Benedict Arnold," their first thought would be "the traitor." However, Benedict Arnold was one of the most important people in the Battle of Saratoga. After the Battle of Freeman’s Farm, which was the first part of the Battle of Saratoga, Horatio Gates relieved Arnold of his command. However, during the Battle of Bemis Heights, Benedict Arnold did something that would turn the tides of the war: He disobeyed Gates' orders and led an assault on horseback against the British troops, which helped the Americans win the battle.
When did General Cornwallis surrender?
On October 19, 1781, 20 days after the Battle of Yorktown began, General Cornwallis signed the British surrender, which was a document called the Articles of Capitulation.
What is Canada, a supply of artillery?
They gained a passageway north to _____ by capturing and taking over Fort Ticonderoga. They also gained ____.
1. Canada, a supply of artillery 2. Mexico, more soldiers 3. Canada, more food 4. Europe, more resources |
What were the casualty counts for the Battle of Trenton?
The Hessian army, who had 1520 soldiers, had 22 dead soldiers, 86 wounded ones, and 906 soldiers were captured. On the other hand, the American army had, with 2400 soldiers, 2 deaths, 5 wounded, and 0 soldiers were captured.
What were the results of the Battle of Saratoga?
The Battle of Saratoga was an important and crucial turning point in the American Revolution. It gave the Patriots the morale boost that they desperately needed. It also persuaded the French, Spanish and Dutch to join their cause against Britain, who was disliked by all of them.
Who took the Sword of Surrender?
In the end, Cornwallis refused to meet formally with Washington, sending General Charles O'Hara to go for him. General Charles O'Hara presented the sword of surrender to Rochambeau, who refused to take it and pointed it at George Washington, who also refused it and motioned to his second in command, Benjamin Lincoln, to take it.