wonder | hoot | Nerds | castle in the attic | claws |
what did the teenagers call him
mullet fingers, the running boy
what are the Mystery boy's nicknames
the school bus
what is the nerd's plane name
sir simon
what was the name of the night
a cat
what was Jack
to pee
why did jack go to the forest
comic books
what does roy read on the bus
cream corn
how did he get the walky talky divice in his head
what food |
shrink things
what does the coin do
a rat
what does a ratter look like
what is auggie's sister's boyfriend's name
what is in the hole
tape that list of things on all the lockers
what did he want to do with the info he had collected on his formar friends
what was the nights horse's name
the leader of cats
what is a pride heart
tiny fists
what does his ears look like
mother ________
the hyena
what was the name of his girl friend
a Jester
what was he in the evil kingdom
what job |
to find her sister
why did she become a pride heart
charllet, Jack, and Julian
who did he meet in the first day of school
what did the mystery boy have in his sack
reading a book
what was his brother secretly doing at the dumpster
did william clime the orange tree
what does a hag not have