Characters | Pledging Activities | Ending Events | Odds and Ends | Characters cont... |
What is Jericho Prescott?
The protagonist who forfeits a possible Julliard scholarship to pledge for the Warriors of Distinction
What are ornaments
What did Jericho and Kofi have to steal at the mall before Christmas?
1. Brick
2. Mirror 3. Gun
Name one item that was passing around the circle of pledges that last night of pledging.
Jumping from a chair
Back in the old days, the Leap of Faith was simply?
What instrument does Jericho play?
What is the Warriors of Distinction?
The coolest club in Douglass High School. It's members throw the best parties, wear the coolest clothes, and have special privileges around the school.
What are egg whites
What was given to the pledges in place of real spit on the first night of pledging?
What were the pledges made to drink that last night of pledging?
broke up with him
When Jericho finally got home from the hospital he called Arielle and she...
Which one of the Warrior Pledges had the most trouble with running laps?
What is Dana Wolfe?
The tough female character who forces the Seniors to let her pledge by threatening to expose their initiation ceremony rituals
What is getting hit on the behind with a paddle?
What happened when the pledges were given a "blessing"
Leap of Faith
What was the last event for the pledges to complete?
Who was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm?
He fell from a fence at the pool.
How did Eric Bell break his back?
What is Arielle?
The flat character who Jericho has a huge crush on.
What is an ice cube
What was put on the pledge's backs (except for Dana) instead of a branding iron?
Who did Kofi throw out the window?
Mr. Culligan and Eddie
What two characters had been arrested by the end of the book?
Mr. Boston
Which teacher tried to warn Jerico about the dangers of hazing?
What is Joshua Prescott?
The character who sacrifices his life attempting to get into the Warriors of Distinction.
Door was locked
She was in there longer Eddie peed in the toilet before the swirly was given
Name one thing that was different for Dana on the night of the purification ceremony.
Josh-he fell on his head and died.
Who was the last to jump out of the window? What happened to him?
They make a wall around her, with their backs to her.
How do the pledges protect Dana's modesty?
Who is the only Warrior of Distinction NOT to attend Josh's funeral?