Baptism in the New Testament Baptism in the Book of Mormon Misc Baptism in the D&C
Who is John the Baptist
This man ate locusts, wore camel's hair, and baptized Jesus
What are the waters of Mormon
Alma the elder taught and baptized his people while hiding next to this body of water, which may have been the inspiration for the name of a Book of Mormon prophet
What is 12!
Young men and women can be baptized for the dead starting from this age
Which is the fourth?
This article of faith says that baptism is one of the first principles and ordinances of the gospel
What is a dove
This bird is the symbol of peace, and describes how the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus after his baptism
What is the vision of the tree of life
Nephi sees Christ get baptized in this vision.
What is white
Those that get baptized wear a suit of this color, symbolizing purity
What is a priest?
This office in the Aaronic priesthood has the duty to baptize
What is the river Jordan
Jesus was baptized in this body of water
Who are...
FREEBIE! Name three people in your family who have been baptized!
What is Cub Scouts!
Young boys in the LDS church can start going to this activity when they turn 8.
Where is ???
BONUS. Your father was baptized in this city
Who is his cousin
John the Baptist was this relation to Jesus
What is baptizing children
Mormon said that this practice is "solemn mockery before God" (Hint: Moroni 8:9)
What are oxen
Baptismal fonts in temples are supported by these twelve animals, representing the tribes of Israel
Who was John the Baptist
This person conferred the keys of baptism and the Aaronic priest to Joseph Smith
Who is Nicodemus
Jesus told this man tell that "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (Hint: John 3:5)
What are bear one another's burdens, mourn with those who mourn, comfort those who need comfort, be a witness of Christ, serve God
These are a few of the things we agree to do when we get baptized, that Alma taught to his people (hint, Mosiah 18:8-10)
What is to dip or immerse
The word baptism means this in Greek.
Who is Oliver Cowdery
This person was the first person to be baptized in this dispensation


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