Everything about Bacteria | Parasites | Fungi |
What is Bacteria?
Prokaryotic unicellular organism
What is any organism that has a harmful relationship with a host organism?
Do fungi reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?
What is spherical, rod-shaped, spiral shaped?
The shape of bacteria.
Name 3 common parasites...ticks, lice, heartworm, tapeworms, mites, fleas, or athletes foot
Name 3 common parasites...
Do fungi reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?
What is the smallest living thing on Earth?
A host
What do parasite have to have in order to live for a long period of time?
Is fungi multicellular or unicellular
What hinders the bacterial growth?
Waste Products
medications that contain targeted pesticides.
medications that contain targeted pesticides.What can be given to kill parasites living inside people or animals?
Plants and animals
What two living organisms can fungi sometimes attack the tissue of and cause disease.
What is the perfect growth conditions for bacteria
unlimited food and no waste
They are both
Are parasites multicellular or unicellular?
Mold spores
What can cause mild to serious allergies to some people