geography | Sports | History | Music | Movie |
What is Stockholm
What is the capital of Sweden?
Boston Cannons
Boston's professional lacrosse team is called
shell shocked
What was Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder called during this war?
Bohemian Rhapsody
What was Queen's first music video?
Wilson Phillips
What pop vocal group performs at the wedding in Bridesmaids?
What is Antarctica
Biggest desert in the world
Paris France
the country that is hosting the next Olympics (2024)
The "Harlem Hellfighters."
What was the nickname of the first all-African American regiment in world war 1?
What pop singer is known as "The Material Girl"?
Schindler's List
For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director?
What is Caspian Sea
Biggest Lake in the world
Cy Young
What pitcher holds the record for most complete games in an MLB career?
The Battle of Gettysburg
What Battle was considered the turning point in the Civil War?
White Christmas
What is the most-recorded Christmas song?
The Social Network
Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for writing what 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook?
What is Death sea
Lowest place in the world
Larry Bird
Who was the only person in NBA history to be named Most Valuable Player, Coach of the Year, and Executive of the Year?
"In God We Trust."
What phrase first appeared on a U.S. coin during the American Civil War?
Mariah Carey
Who did Jay-Z collaborate with on "Heartbreaker"?
Joaquin Phoenix received his first Oscar nomination for playing Roman emperor Commodus in what 2000 Oscar-winning epic?
What is Mandarin
language that is most popular after English
Defensive Back
What college football position receives the Jim Thorpe Award?
Betsy Ross
Who made the first flag for the U.S.?
The guitar
Katy Perry's played what instrument since she was a teenager?
The stage play Everybody Comes to Rick's was adapted for the screen to become what 1942 Best Picture winner?