In the classroom | In the playground | Being a senior |
Walks, holds with 2 hands, screen closed
Show how you collect your chrome book
Under the tree/shade cloth or Y6 area
Where do you eat?
Mature, articulate, goal driven, inquiring and caring
What are the MAGIC values
Reading or an assigned activity
What should you be doing after morning tea and lunch
- Wheel of choice, peer mediators, duty teacher
What are your options to use if there is a problem in the playground
In an emergency
Say excuse me
How and why should you interrupt someone?
Floor or close kneelers, or cushions
What are you options when sitting on the mat?
Y5 - Bag closed, seated, hands up
Y6 - Seated, no rubbish, no PE gear, waiting till 12.35
Show how you are dismissed from eating/ or how to behave in the Y6 area
Quiet, looking at the speaker, sitting still, clapping at the right times
What should assembly behaviour look like? (4 things)
looking at the person talking, not talking, not distracting others, following instructions
How do you show you are listening (4 things) |
Listen to what everyone is saying, offer some possible solutions, get help
Your friends are having an argument about who can join a game, what should you do?
Tidy, blue pen (pencil for maths) use a ruler for lines, no scribbles/pictures on pages or covers, don't skip pages
How should your books look? (5 things)
walking, cleaning up mess, putting things away
Show packing up time
Ask them to join you.
You see someone without anyone to play with, what should you do?
Good morning/Good afternoon
How should you greet your teacher/other teachers