Kiki | Steven | Love and Basketball | When two become one |
What is chocolate cake?
This favorite dessert is best when made my her mom
What is The Ohio State University?
Steven has one year left in the Law program at this University
What is UNC Tarheels
With the colors of baby blue, this is a team that is by these two.
What is his teeth?
This is Kirstie's favorite {physical} thing about Steven
What are stitches?
When at the age of 15, Kirstie had 8 of these in here eyebrow
What is baseball?
This sport had Steven "sliding" in love before basketball become his known sport
What is 30?
This number of points is the most Kirstie has ever scored in a single game.
What is Bowling Green soccer sweatpants
This clothing item is one that Steven wished Kirstie would throw out
What are skiing and ice skating?
These two winter activities Kirstie has never experienced.
What is knifes or sharp objects?
A great fear of this will have Steven
Torn ACL (kirstie left, steven right)
This injury happened to both Kirstie and Steven
What is the honeymoon?
The thing that Steven is most looking forward to after the wedding
What is Poetry
With English as her major, this subject in college gave Kirstie her only B (+)
Gets hot/sweaty?
Fun in the sun is what summer is about, but when Steven does this he tends to freak out.
What is bulldawgs
This highschool mascot was X for Steven
What is Miller Light and Sam Adams
When getting drinks for each other, they would order these.
What is Nsync
The first concert Kirstie ever attended had her singing "This I promise you"
What is Pizza Pringles?
After throwing up in the 3rd grade, Steven refuses to eat this food
yucotan liquor stand
It was here that they had their first kiss