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Who are The Butcher, The Baker & The Candlestick Maker
These three men had their careers, but are better known as 3 men in a tub.
What is white as snow
The disobedient lamb who went to school one day with a girl named Mary was what color?
Who is Old McDonald
This elderly agricultural man is famous for his many vocal animals.
What is because they lost their mittens
Why couldn't the three naughty kittens have any pie?
What is a cake
What did I ask the Baker's man to bake me as fast as he could?
What is nimble and quick
What athletic qualities did Jack possess to enable him to expertly jump over a candlestick?
What is black
Fill in the blank: Baa, baa, _____ sheep, have you any wool?
Who is Old Mother Hubbard
This dedicated dow-owner searched her bar cupboard for a bone to give to her starving canine
What is she came tumbling after
When she should have learned from Jack's mistake, Jill did this instead.
What are curds and whey
Little Miss Muffet, a bit of an arachnophobe, was eathing these two things before being frightened away.
Who is Mary, Mary quite contrary
This disagreeable girl with a remarkable green thumb can really make those cockleshells grow!
Who is Little Boy Blue
Who was fast asleep under a haystack when the sheep was in he meadow and the cow in the corn?
What is bumping his head
What is an old man who snores in danger of when it is raining and pouring?
Who is Humpty Dumpty
All the king's hrses and all the king's men coudln't help this poor fellow out.
What is roast beef
Hardly a vegetarian and never sharing his food with others, the 3rd little oinker loved this type of meat
Who is Peter, Peter pumkin-eater
This fellow is fond of the taste of pumpkins, and also found that a pumpkin is a great place to put his wife.
What are blackbirds
Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, four and twenty what were baked in a pie?
Who is the old woman who lived in a shoe
This retired Payless employee had so many children she didn't know what to do!
Who is the farmer's wife.
Quite mean with a knife, this person chopped the tails off of 3 blind mice.
What is his wife (Mrs. Sprat)
Together, Jack Sprat and his wife licked the platter clean--which of the two could not handle any lean?
Who are Winken, Blinken and Nod
These three fine fishermen sailed off in a wooden shoe into a sea of dew
What are green and yellow
A tisket, a tasket, these 2 colors made up the basket.
Who is Old King Cole
Which elderly member of royalty called for his bowl and his fiddlers 3?
Who is Little Bo Peep
Careless and cluelss, this shepardess lost her flock.
What is a plumb
What did little Jack Horner pull out of a mincemeat pie with his thumb?