Breastfeeding | Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative | Ten Steps |
What is breastfeeding
The act of a mother feeding a baby milk directly from her breast.
What is the Word Health Organization
In 1991, what organization launched the first initiative to promote breastfeeding?
What is medication or vitamins
Step blank states that no food other than breast milk should be given to babies with the exception of what
What is exclusive breastfeeding
When an infant should have no other food or drink other than human milk.
What is the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
Baby Friendly Certification is achieved by implementing what program?
What is 1 hour
Breast feeding should occur within hour many hours of birth?
What is 6 months
Exclusive breastfeeding should be carried on for the first ___ months.
What is artificial formula
A Baby Friendly hospital must abide by reducing the marketing of what item.
What is pacifiers and artificial nipples
To comply with the Ten Steps, mothers should avoid giving their infants _____
What is 2 years
Following the period of exclusive breastfeeding, the baby should be breastfed for up to ___ years in addition to other food and drink.
What is an educator
By teaching mothers what to expect when breastfeeding, a nurse fulfills their role as an ______.
What is a breastfeeding support group
If mothers need extra help with breastfeeding, the nurse should refer them to ______.
What is rooming in.
Allowing mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day is known as ....
What is Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
A hospital policy for the promotion of breastfeeding.