Sugar Shockers | Salty Situations | Quality Counts | Mindful Eating |
False- Honey and maple syrup have the same amount of sugar as table sugar and your body uses the sugar in the same way
True or False- If you are trying to lower the amount of sugar you eat it is better to eat honey or pure maple syrup
False- Most of the salt we eat comes from prepared food like deli meats, pizza, sauces, and soups
True or False- Most of the sodium in foods we eat comes from the salt we add to our food during cooking at the table
c. make healthy changes one small step at a time
The best way to make a change to your eating habits is:
a. throw out all of the food in your house and start fresh b. go on a cleanse c. make healthy changes one small step at a time d. watch Dr. Oz and listen to all of his recommendations |
e. all of the above
-Paying attention to what you eat is important, but so is thinking about when, where, and why you're eating. Eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you feel satisfied.
Which of the following can help you eat more mindfully?
a. sitting at the table during meals b. eating slowly and enjoying your food c. turning off the TV and phone when you eat d. make what you eat look and taste good e. all of the above |
True- Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in milk products
True or False- White milk and plain yogurt have natural sugars in them
d. fresh herbs
A better choice than adding table salt is to use:
a. sea salt b. kosher salt c. himalayan salt d. fresh herbs |
b. buy one bag and save it for family movie night on the weekend
You are at the grocery store and there is a big sale on your favourite potato chips. What do you do?
a. buy a lot because it's a good sale b. buy one bag and save it for family movie night on the weekend c. walk away without them- we should NEVER eat potato chips |
-savour each bite, stop when you are satisfied, not stuffed -love the food you eat -you know the feeling after you have eaten too much -serve small pieces of dessert- the first 3 bites count -
True or False- Stop eating when you are satisfied, NOT when you are stuffed
True- Babies are "hard-wired" from birth to like sweet-foods- it stimulates a release of serotonin- a chemical in the body which makes them feel good
True or False- Babies are born with a "sweet-tooth"- born to already like sweet things
False- Everyone can benefit from eating less sodium
True or False- Only people with high blood pressure need to limit how much sodium they eat
-more fibre -complete nutrients -slower digestion -portion controlled
True or False- It is better to have a whole piece of fruit than a glass of 100% pure fruit juice
e. all of the above
Which of the following will help you control the amount of food you eat?
a. use a smaller plate b. serve food straight from the stove top rather than bringing it all to the table c. keep the lights bright during a meal d. using red plates (may be because red is associated with STOP) e. all of the above |
d. all of the above
Where do added sugars often hide?
a. fruit drinks b. dairy desserts c. cereals d. all of the above |
False- Although quick and easy, frozen meals can have a lot of sodium in even a single portion- sometimes more sodium than you should eat in one day. Check the % Daily Value on the Nutrition Facts table to see if the meal contains a little or a lot of sodium
True or False- Frozen meals are good choices when you're trying to eat less sodium
*brainstorm ideas
-you will eat healthier -you will save time -you will save money
List 3 reasons why planning your menus could be helpful
*brainstorm last minute meal ideas
-breakfast for dinner -soup and grilled cheese -frittata -spaghetti and meat or tomato sauce
Your family arrives home at 5pm. You need to make dinner and have nothing planned. Three people in your house have to be at soccer practice at 6pm. What do you do about dinner?
Myth- You will not get diabetes from eating too much sugar. However, foods high in sugar are often high in calories (ex. cookies, candies) and too many calories can lead to weight gain which can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Myth or Fact- If you eat too much sugar, you'll get diabetes
True- Watch what you add to them
True or False- Fresh foods are low in sodium
*brainstorm ideas
-make a vegetable omelette for breakfast -pack cut vegetables in your lunch -serve 2 vegetables at dinner -put cut vegetables on your dinner table -have cut veggies available for snacks -fresh, frozen or canned (low salt) -put vegetables on your pizza, in your chilli, pasta sauce -make a pot veggie soup
Veggie challenge- Vegetables give you vitamins, minerals, and fibre needed to help fight disease and build a healthy baby. List 3 ways you can add more vegetables to your day.
e. all of the above
Why is it important to make home cooked meals for you and your family?
a. home cooked meals have less salt b. home cooked meals have more nutrients c. home cooked meals are less expensive than eating out and prepared meals d. how you cook now will influence how your children cook when they are adults e. all of the above |