Vocabulary | Comprehension ?s | Idioms related to Elections |
What is 'Democratic'
What political party does Hilary represent?
What is '435'
How many people are in the House of Representatives?
What is 'Red Tape'
What is 'government paperwork and procedures that are slow and difficult'?
What is 'to vote'
What is the verb 'to choose by voting'?
Grand Old Party
What does the 'GOP' stand for?
What is the 'Front Burner'
When you have to deal with an issue immediately
What is 'to run'
What is the verb for someone who tries 'to get a political position'?
What is 'legislative, executive, and judicial'
What are 'the three branches of the government'?
What is 'Set the Stage'
What is 'preparing an audience for an event'?
What is 'poll'
What is another name for 'a survey'?
What is 'filibuster'
When a senator or group of senators obstruct the passage of a bill by talking continuously.
What is 'Flip-Flop'
What is 'when politicians have a sudden change of opinion on an important issue'?
What is 'nominee'
What is another name for 'a candidate chosen by a political party'?
What is the 'Tea Party'
What is another name for the 'Independent Party'?
What is 'Committing Political Suicide'
What is 'when a politician proposes or supports policies that will cause him to lose a campaign or be removed from office'?