Admin API | Admin API - APIGee/Stratum | Runbook Onboarding End-to-End Testing | Runbook Onboarding End-to-End Testing part deux | Common Processes – Artifactory |
What is devint deployment and governance gate
What is verified before deployment to UAT?
What is UAT and Production
With which environments can users interact using
What is none
What impact does the branch chosen for the “Dev-Int Onboarding Integration Test” pipeline on the runbooks executed during the test
What is Runbook repository, integrationTest folder
In What repository/folder is the logic for executing the end-to-end tests?
What is
- Maven-prereleases-local/com/fmr/AP128586 - Npm-prereleases-local/@fmr-ap128586
To where are artifacts uploaded in Artifactory?
What is both regions
What region(s) do we deploy the Admin API to during a deployment?
What is Public-V2
What annotation shows the endpoints that are published to APIGee
What is update the SKIPPED_STEPS variable comma-separated value with the runbook name
How do you ensure some specific runbooks are skipped?
What is Set-ItResult -Skipped
What Pester command do you use to skip a step?
What is PublishArtifactTemplate
What template is used to upload files to artifactory?
What is Alerts, API binary, App Service Settings
What is assembled/organized during the assembly phase
What is remove and endpoint or a parameter for an endpoint
What code change could cause an APIGee publication to break
What is Update the SKIPPED_STEPS to ALL
How do you reset the test subscription?
What is CleanUpAfterSuccess or CleanUpAfterFailure
What variable(s) is/are used to determine if we will clean up the subscription? (name any)
What is DownloadArtifactTemplate
What template is used to retrieve files from artifactory?
What is tag, build, code quality (sonar), veracode and artifactory, and governance gate submission
A master branch assembly/build includes what steps?
What is
- Download openapi.json file from Artifactory - Upload a TAR file to: o AAF-Core-xxx location o Main AP128586 location
What does APGee_Build pipeline do
What is Vnet work and synchronization
Why are DMZ tests failing?
What is GenerateStepParameters
What function will define the default runbook parameters used in testing?
What is move code to maven-releases-local
What manual step can be completed to ensure we do not lose our binaries?
What is SwapAppServiceDeploymentSlotsTemplate.yml in the infra repository
What common template is used to make our staged application live and where is this template stored?
What is
- Post-build step in web project creates file auto-generated-openapi.json - Powershell script completes some translations and saves as openapi.json - openapi.json published to Artifactory
How is the API definition generated (all steps) in the AAF_Core_NetCode pipeline?
What is a new one for each execution
What application-id is used for testing?
What is rename the subscription
How do we ensure that the same subscription isn't being used for two tests at the same time?
What is overwrite or delete
What actions can occur against maven-prereleases-local that won't occur with maven-releases-local