AAF Infrastructure | Service-Now Integration | Runbook | Alerts | Logic Apps/ General |
What is Complete_VMSS
What variable needs to be updated to deploy the automation account VMSS?
What is both Eastus2 and Centralus
What regions live for SNOW deployments?
What is DevInt and UAT
To deploy to Production, to which environments must we already have deployed?
What is New parameter file for environment/region
What new file do you need to create in order to define a new alert
What is Pipeline Variables
Where are variables defined for the ARM deployment of Logic Apps
What is Done
What is the name of the file we look for in each environment to confirm if everything was deployed correctly
What pipeline is used to build and deploy SNOW function apps
What is Pipeline variables: Runbook List, Override, Days
How do we define the runbooks that we want assembled for deployment
What is The alert name
What makes the Alert unique when deployed?
What is Valid JSON, Uses a defined list of parameters
What tests do we complete for logic apps
What is MSIInstall Script
How does the ApplicationInsights.dll get installed?
What is look at logs
How do you check that the function Trigger is running as expected
What is Runbooks, Automation Account Settings, Alerts
What is deployed when deploying runbooks to our environments?
What is Post
Is the HTTP Trigger a post or a Get call
What is the last 3 days
By default, when looking for changed Logic Apps, what PRs are used
What is: Delete hybrid workers, remove automation worker group, create new VMSS, register VMSS instance with hybrid worker group
What does the create VMSS Script do?
What is AAF Dev (or any env) Alerts
What is the AAF Alert Teams Channel Called
What is âfâ
What is the value for uat eastus2 in this case:
1. { "Name": "SomeValue", "value": "f", "dev": "a", "uat-centralus": "g", "prd": "d" } |
From where are common pipeline scripts retrieved
What is Deployment Approver Group or azgALMAP128586RelEngr_RESTR
What group is currently set to approve deployments?
What is: Prepare profile, install powershell modules, remove restart task
What does the postinstall script do
What is JMagic EventHub Trigger
After an even is placed in the EventHub, what function should trigger next?
What is Start, Wait, Get, Remove
What is the lifecycle of jobs used to run parallel tasks
What is by specifying an override of chat_*
How do you send a notification to teams?
What is we use them for SNOW Functions and App Services to test the functionality before exposing it to users.
How do we use deployment slots?