Who is Pablo Picasso
“Good artists borrow great artists steal”
A) (artist) Leonardo De Vinci B) (musician) Michael Jackson C) (artist) Pablo Picasso |
Who is Lil’ Kim
Artist who stole a photograph from a blogger/makeup artist
What is “Under Pressure” and who is Freddie Mercury and David Bowie
Song and artists that were violated/ plagiarised by Vanilla Ice (2 part answer)
What is “borrow” and “steal”
“Good artists _____ great artists _____”
What is trademarks and patents (for inventions)
Industrial property right covers industrial designs, what other two things does it cover?
Who is Aaron Russell
"Every designers’ dirty little secret is that they copy other designer’s work. They see work they like, and they imitate it. Rather cheekily, they call this inspiration.”
A) (instructor) Rick Cuff B) (designer) Chip Kidd C) (designer) Aaron Russell |
Who is Audrey Hepburn
Dead celebrity who was used in a current commercial, violating morality and personal copyright of self
What is flattery/ curiosity/ positive/ happy to inspire (positive reaction)
Paul Wallen’s initial reaction to his work being plagiarized
What is plagiarism
An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own.
What is copyright
Protects film, literary work, artistic work, graphic design, performing arts, and other creative work.
Who is Jimi Hendrix
“I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.”
A) (musician) Bob Dylan B) (musician) Jimi Hendrix C) (musician) Lady Gaga |
What is art4love.com
Art site dedicated to selling paintings and artworks at affordable costs, between $199-1000
What is Candy Crush, CandySwipe, and Candy Crusher
Names of the three candy themed games that caused an uproar and legal battle around plagiarism and copyright |
What is originality
The quality of being new and different in a good and appealing way
What are Adobe programs
These programs has been in the top ten list for 'Most Pirated Software' for almost a decade.
Who is Lynn Fingarson
“Guilt is manifested from plagiarism, but the truth is there are no original ideas any more.”
A) (designer) Lynn Fingarson B) (journalist) Barbara Grizzuti Harrison C) (writer) Edgar Allen Poe |
What is Galaxy chocolate
The company that used a deceased celebrity to promote their product in a commercial
What is “rotoscoping”
Technique used by Disney to re-use their animation sequences: also known as “a legitimate method of cutting costs in movie-making.” (starts with an “R”)
What is inspiration
Something that influences someone to want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create
What is trademark
Is a word, name, symbol, design, picture, device or slogan, or any combination of these elements, that is used by a business to distinguish its products or services from those of its competitors.
Who is Emily Carr
“If you're going to lick the icing off somebody else's cake you won't be nourished and it won't do you any good, - or you might find the cake had caraway seeds, and you hate them.”
A) (artist) Pablo Picasso B) (artist) Emily Carr C) (instructor) Dale Sim |
Who is Chad Lieberman
The CEO of art4love.com
What is “Dead Gal Walking”
Name of the single that Lil’ Kim stole the photograph for
What is Industrial and Copyright
The two types of intellectual property
What is a patent
A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period