Timeline and Time travel | Infinity stones and gauntlets | Heros and Villians | Final Battle | Miscellaneous |
What is the 22nd?
Avengers: Endgame is this number Marvel movie
What is 3 times?
While the stones were used quite a bit, the Infinity Gauntlets have only been snapped this many times in the MCU total
What is Mjolnir?
During the final battle, Captain America was finally able to lift this, foreshadowed in Age of Ultron
What are Sling Rings?
The Portals that the Avengers came through are these kinds of magical rings cast by Dr. Strange and Wong
What is Mayo?
At the very beginning of the movie, Hawkeye's family finds it odd that Mom puts this condiment on a hot dog
What is 3 hours?
Being the longest Marvel movie at this amount of time, Avengers: Endgame is only 30 minutes longer than the prior movie, Infinity War
Who is Black Widow/ Natasha Romanov?
This Avenger Ultimitley chooses to sacrifice themselves for the Soul stone.
Who is Ronin?
During the five years, Hawkeye was known by this name, not to be confused with the villain of Guardians of the Galaxy with a one-letter difference
Who is Dr. Strange?
Tony asks this Character mid-battle if the one in 14 million chance of them winning is the current one
What is Ben and Jerry's?
During the Avengers Brainstorm session on time travel, Bruce is seen eating this brand of ice cream
What is 2023?
While the movie starts out in 2018, Directly after Infinity War, The rest of the movie takes place in this year
What is The Reality Stone?
When brainstorming ways to get the stones with time travel, Thor goes on a tangent about this stone
Who are Korg and miek?
These characters were living with Thor in his man cave after the five years
What is The power Stone?
During the Face off between Thanos and Captain Marvel, Thanos takes this stone out of the Gauntlet to punch Captain Marvel with
What is a Mobius Strip?
When attempting to see if Time travel is possible, Tony tells F.R.I.D.A.Y. to generate this unique 3d shape
What is 2014?
While original Thanos was gone by the first 10 minutes, the Thanos fought at the end of the film was from this year
What is the Nano Gauntlet?
The Infinity Gauntlet made by Tony and the other Avengers has this little known name, however, "the Red Infinity gauntlet" or "The Avenger's Infinity Gauntlet" are acceptable names
What are the Outriders?
During the Final Battle, Thanos deploys his army of these plentiful goons
Who is Howard The Duck?
This little known Marvel comic book character can be seen during the Portal scene for less than a second
What is Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
During the final scene and credits, the song, "Its Been a Long, Long Time" plays, which has only ever played in this marvel Movie
What is 1970?
After failing to get the Tesseract in 2012 New York, Tony and Steve go to New Jersey in this year to get another one
What is Right-Handed?
This is The one attribute of the Avenger-Made infinity gauntlet different to the one used by Thanos in Infinity War, besides color.
What is Golden/Orange?
2014 Thanos was able to capture 2023 Nebula and swap her out for 2014 Nebula, making sure to add a headpiece of this color to make her look like 2023 Nebula
Who is Black Panther?
This Character addresses Hawkeye by his first name during the battle, a reference to Captain America: Civil War, when they didn't care who hawkeye was
What is Captain America: The First Avenger?
Near the end of the film when Steve says goodbye to Bucky, Steve says "Don't do anything stupid until I get back", and Bucky responds, "How can I, you're leaving all the stupid with you", a reference to this Marvel movie with the same line.