The wonderful world of "word" | Course Outline | College Stuff | Law Clerk |
What is the name of this course?
Automated Law 1
What is the speed you need to achieve in order to be exempt from the one hour class
50 nwpm
What is the name of your learning environment
Desire to learn/DC Connect
What is
how many years is this program
3 years for clerks, 2 years for office admin/legal
What is the version of word that is being used in the college?
Word 2013
What is "nwpm?"
net words per minute
What is the name of the dean here?
Stephanie Ball
Can a law clerk give out legal advice
Where do you go to get your course outlines
MY Campus/DC Connect
What is the keyboarding book called?
College Keyboarding
What is the name of the building that looks like it is on stilts?
SSB-Student Services Building
If you want to undo something that you did in word how do you do that
press the undo button
What is one item other than a book that is a recommended supply for this course
stapler/3 hole punch/USB
Where do I go get financial help?
Financial Aid-Student Services Building-room 205
Font size is measured in what?
What is one legal document that we will be doing in this class
retainers/legal letters/dockets/affidavits
What does SALS stand for?
Student Academic learning Services
What is the name of the association that law clerks can join?
Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario