Psychosocial Aspects | Counseling | In the School | Hearing Loss | Miscellaneous |
What is self-concept
This term is interchangeable with self-image
What is informational counseling
This is the most common type of counseling that SLPs and audiologists provide
What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This is what IDEA stands for
What is air conduction
This tell us the degree of hearing loss
What is prelingual
This refers to skills prior to acquiring language
What is social competence
This is defined as the skills for successful and satisfying personal relationships
What are professional boundaries
These are distinctions between professions as they approach common areas of concern
What is people-first language
This explains the identification of an individual before the mention of a disability
What is an audiogram
This is what hearing thresholds are recorded on
What is bone anchored hearing aids
This is what BAHA stands for
What are avoidance techniques
These are strategies used to postpone acknowledgment of a difficult situation
What is psychotherapy
This involves health professionals(psychiatrists, psychologists) using their professional training to solve life problems
What is least restrictive environment
This describes where a child has most access to academic, social and emotional support
What is tympanometry
This test measures the function of the middle ear
What is dynamic range
This is the difference between hearing thresholds and the uncomfortable listening level
What is Deaf community (capital D, Deaf)
This group defines being culturally deaf
What is nonprofessional counselors
SLPs and audiologists fall under this category of counselors
What is an individualized education program
This is a written report describing a child's level of performance, annual goals and procedures used to meet these goals
What is presbycusis
This describes hearing loss due to the aging process
What is occlusion effect
This results in an increase in low freq intensity due to bone conduction sounds inability to leave the ear
What are shock, denial, depression, acceptance
What are the reactions involved in the grief cycle?
What is self-assessment
This is an instrument( questionnaire, survey) used to help persons describe their listening problems to themselves and others
Who are teachers, audiologists, SLPs
These are the 3 primary professionals that provided AR services in schools
What is hard of hearing
This term is defined by having a mild, moderate or severe hearing loss and some ability to understand speech with the use of amplification
What is the head shadow effect
This occurs when sound is presented to one side of the head and has to travel through or around head, reducing to overall intensity