Chakras | Asana Practice | Ayurveda | Breathing | Teachers |
What is wheel, disk, vortex, or energy center?
There are a number of ways the word chakra can be defined - name two
What is Utkatasana?
Called ‘Chair Pose’ in Sanskrit, this posture is sure to bring some heat into you body.
What is Yoga?
This is Ayurveda's sister science
What is moves downward?
During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and therefore, does this.
Who is Patanjali?
The Yoga Sutras was written by this great sage.
What is Svadhisthana?
The Sanskrit name for the chakra located at the sacral plexus
What is Ardha Uttanasana?
This posture follows Adho Mukha Svanasana in the traditional Surya Namaskar A
What is structure and lubrication?
Kapha dosha is responsible for these energetics in our mind/body continuum
What is Ujjayi pranayama?
This method of breathing is to be practice while performing asana.
What is one who sheds light on the dark?
The word ‘guru’ means this in Sanskrit.
What are the legs and feet?
Muladhara chakra is associated with which parts of your physical body
What is revolved, or twisted?
Parivritta is a Sanskrit word that means
What is Prakruti?
When learning to manage the imbalances in your body-mind continuum, you are ultimately returning yourself to this state.
What are the abdominals?
In order to correctly practice Kapalabhati pranayama, a rhythmical contracting and relaxing of these muscles must take place.
Who is Anodea Judith
A modern day expert on the chakra system, she wrote the highly regarded and groundbreaking book Eastern Body, Western Mind.
What is yellow, orange and red
Name the colours that are associated with the lower three chakras
What is Bhujangasana?
This is the Sanskrit name for ‘cobra pose’
What are ether/space, air, fire, water and earth?
The maha bhutas are defined as these five things.
What is Anuloma Veloma?
Nadi shodhana, an alternate nostril breathing practice, is very similar to this other pranayama practice.
Who is BKS Iyengar?
Suffering with debilitating illnesses for many years of his young life, this forefather of modern yoga authored close to 100 books.
What is upward, from root to crown
Mukti, or freedom, is known as the liberating pathway in the chakra system. What direction does this imply?
What are arm balances?
Bakasana falls into this category of postures
What are fire and water?
Pitta dosha is comprised of these two bhutas.
What is pranamaya kosha?
The energetic layer of the subtle body is called this in Sanskrit.
Who is Swami Sivananda?
This modern day guru was a doctor before branching into the world of spiritual practice, and Michelle attended two of his lineages training intensives.