Lessons From Good Samaritan Hidden Treasure Talents Pricey Pearl
What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
This parable widens our concepts of the meaning of "neighbor".
What is from Jerusalem to Jericho?
In the parable a man was going from this capital city to this city known for its walls.
Where is a field?
This is where the treasure was found.
What is 5?
This is how many talents the master gave to the first servant.
What is a merchant?
The person that found the pearl was this by trade.
What is the Parable of the Hidden Treasure?
This parable teaches value of salvation.
What is the tribe of Levi?
The second man to pass by the beaten man was from this tribe.
What is one?
The parable of the Hidden Treasure is this many verses long.
What is, "Well done, good and faithful servant..."?
The master's response to the reports from the first two servants was this.
What is Matthew 13:45-46
This is where one can find the parable of the Pearl of Great Price in the Bible.
What is the Parable of the Talents?
This parable show that when it comes to what God gives you it is better to do something than nothing at all.
Who is a lawyer?
The parable of the Good Samaritan was told in response to a question from this man.
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Jesus says that this is like treasure hidden in a field.
What is, because he was afraid?
This is the reason given for the third servant hiding the talent away.
What are fine pearls?
The merchant was looking for these when he found the great pearl.
What is the Parable of the Talents?
This parable teaches that we are not all gifted the same.
What is Luke, chapter 10?
This is the Book and Chapter where the parable of the Good Samaritan is found.
What is covered it up?
When the man found the treasure the first thing he did was this.
What is more will be given them and they will have an abundance?
According to the parable this is what will happen to those that have.
Who are the disciples?
This is who Jesus told the parable to.
What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
This parable shows the wickedness of pride and prejudice.
What is, "desiring to justify himself"?
This is the reason the Bible gives for the man's second question, "And who is my neighbor?"
What is all he has?
This is what the man sells to buy the field.
What is weeping and gnashing of teeth?
According to Jesus this is what happens in the place of "outer darkness".
What is all he has?
This is what the merchant sells to buy the great pearl.

August Parables Round 1

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