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What is avoidant attachment
The father in the song “Cat’s in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin was distant from his son due to work, which led to his son having this kind of attachment.
What is avoidant attachment
Katniss Everdeen of the Hunger Games trilogy is an independent person who has little trust in her mother’s ability to parent. Katniss has developed this type of attachment to her mother.
What is secure attachment
In the Movie Inside Out, Riley is able to tell her parents that she has been feeling depressed with their move to San Francisco and they are able to comfort her which showcases this type of attachment.
What is ambivalent attachment
In one of the episodes of iCarly, Spencer gets into a relationship with Carly’s teacher, who became too invested in him. After he broke up with her, she did not take the breakup well and felt no one would love her which illustrates this type of attachment.
What is secure attachment
The song “Wishing Well” by new popular artist Cavetown describes his relationship to his caring lover. Wishing Well shows this kind of attachment.
What is disorganized attachment
Holden Caulfield from the Catcher in the Rye is used to loneliness, yet he wants love but sabotages himself each time he’s about to get it which illustrates this type of attachment.
What is avoidant attachment
Tony Stark of MCU uses his humor to try and cover up his emotions, which he has developed because of this type of attachment to his father
What is secure attachment
On the popular tv show The Simpsons, Marge Simpson and her daughter Maggie are close together all of the time, but when Marge leaves, Maggie cries for a moment, then moves on until her mother returns. This mother and daughter have this kind of attachment.
What is ambivalent attachment
Grenade by Bruno Mars tells the story of a man being desperate for a woman who he can’t get, which shows that he has this type of attachment.
What is secure attachment
In the comic Spider Man, Aunt May is very supportive and nurturing to Peter Parker, which has led to this kind of attachment.
What is ambivalent attachment
The movie Rocketman, which tells the story of Elton John, shows that he wanted to be close with his father, however, he was uncomfortable when they were, which illustrates this type of attachment.
What is disorganized attachment
Morgana from the tv show Merlin wanted to be accepted by the people around her, but knew they couldn’t, so she has grown to not trust those people which illustrates this kind of attachment.
What is disorganized attachment
In the song “A Boy Named Sue” by Johnny Cash, Sue is grown up and has been wandering the country picking fights. He has developed this type of attachment with his father and mother.
What is ambivalent attachment
In the book “The Great Gatsby,” Gatsby’s desperation for Daisy showcased this type of attachment.
What is disorganized attachment
The Beast from Beauty and the Beast lashes out at Belle whenever she tries to help him, even though he wants help, which illustrates this attachment.
What is avoidant attachment
Brick, the third and last child of the Heck family in the Middle, doesn’t make friends and spends the majority of his time with books instead of people. His parents always seem to forget about him and his activities which led him to having this kind of attachment with them