Infrastructure Optimization Mature Customer Service Framework Business Application Support Potpourri Blank
What is supplemental broadband?
This additonal data circuit enhances local office internet access.
What is persona-based technology provisioning?
This term helps describe the process of delivering specific tools to staff based on their role/job function.
What is Wave 15?
This software suite includes Lync, SharePoint, Skydrive Pro, Exchange and Office 2013.
What is Temp/Intern/Volunteer provisioning?
This is the biggest pain point that our Technology Coordinators experience daily.
What is SIP?
This technology provides local telephone numbers for outcalling, and puts an IP phone on staff desks.
What is Youth Market (actually we don't know -- let's ask the BRMs to help determine who could benefit the most)?
This business persona (staff role) will benefit the most from using tablets in the field.
What is Social Event Support?
In May, this process will help bring in almost $12 million to the Association.
What is print in color vs. black and white?
This costs 10 times more to do than the alternative.
What it is a WAP?
This device allows AHA to reduce the number of data drops we install in local offices, and enhances intra-office mobility.
Who are Steve Barry and John Francisco?
These two ATS Leadership Team members recently received their 15 year service awards.
Who is Erich "Grizzly Adams" Sterzing?
This ATS Team member's closest neighbors include bears and treees.
Who is Randy Buccafusca?
This ATS Manager has 5 children.
Who is Kathy Wilson?
This is the newest member of the ATS Leadership Team.
What is Communications?
This field department would benefit the most from having access to a portable device to store large files (they typically have a lot of video files).
What is Dynamics?
This software solution will help us remove Siebel remote databases from our environment.
Who is Rick McHugh?
This ATS Manager takes a yearly Mission to help those less fortunate than us.
What is SharePoint?
This application allows us to remove local file servers, and enhances staff collaboration.
What is Enterprise Application rights and permissions?
This staff configuration process already uses persona based solutions to control "who can see" certain data.
What is Lync?
This software application will deilver the "Brady Bunch" view to video calls.
Who is Jon Gerush?
This ATS Manager has a new puppy with a hankering for shoes.

ATS Priorities for FY13-14

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