Moon Stuff | Star Stuff | Space Exploration | Planets | Random Things |
Waning Gibbous
What is this phase of the moon
4.5 - 5 billion years old
How old is the sun?
Yuri Gagarin: Soviet Union
Who was the first person in space? Where were they from?
What planet revolves around the sun the fastest
Summer Triangle, Square of Pegasus, North Star
What stars/ constellations did we have to find/name in our star quiz
How long is a moonth (solar month)
Its always true north and the altitude is equal to your latitude
How do you find the north star?
Cold temp. --> o-rings lost elasticity and they weren't able to expand and seal the joints. Hot gas leaked and caused the explosion
What caused the Challenger to explode? Be specific
Jupiter & Saturn
What planets are considered "gas giants"
What is the tool used to measure altitude
New Moon
At which phase of the moon does a solar eclipse occur?
Beetle Juice (aka. Betelgeuse)
What is the red giant in Orion
Drake Equation: avg. rate of star formation, fraction of stars that have planets, avg. number of planets that could support life per star, fraction of life-supporting planets that develop life, fraction of planets with life that develop intelligence, fraction of intelligent civilizations that develop communication, avg. length of time that civilizations last
What is the equation to calculate the number of civilizations that we could communicate with called? Name at least 4 variables.
Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Eris, Pluto
Name the dwarf planets in the dwarf planet song
Since we are made out of stardust, what kind of star/thing gave us our stardust?
The moon's gravity pulls on the water and water bulges on the side closest to the moon because of gravity and bulges on the other side because of inertia. These are called high tides.
How does the moon affect tides?
Vega, Deneb, Altair
Name one star in the Summer Triangle
Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, Mary Jackson
Name the three main characters in Hidden Figures (first and last names)
4 : Europa, Ganymede, Io, Callisto
How many Galilean moons does Jupiter have and name 2
What day did we go on the rocket launch
February 2nd
What day did we go on the rocket launch
200,000 miles ( can be +/- 50,000)
How far is the moon from earth?
Jocelyn Bell
Who discovered Pulsars?
Perseverance : 2021
What was the name of the most recent rover to land on Mars and what year did it land?
16 hours and 6 minutes ( +/- 10 minutes )
How long is 1 day on Neptune?
1) planets move in an ellipse with the sun as 1 focus
2) planet covers the same area of space in a fixed amount of time no matter where in the orbit it is 3) a planet's orbital period is proportionate to the size of its orbit
What are Kepler's Planetary Laws?