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What is the Latin word for ‘elsewhere’ which we use to mean that the person under suspicion was somewhere else when the crime was committed?
St Stephen
Which saint’s day is celebrated on December 26?
Great white shark
Bruce in Disney’s Finding Nemo?
The Trachea
What is the scientific name for the windpipe?
How many equal sides does an icosahedron have?
Autograph collecting
What is philography?
Reply – respond
What ‘r’ is to answer a question?
Educating Rita
In which film did Michael Caine say, “Not a lot of people know that”?
Blood Poisoning
What ‘BP’ is an infection called Toxaemia or Septicaemia?
What number is an improper fraction always greater than?
Lahnaphophobia is the fear of what?
The German pedagogue Friedrich Frobel who recognized that children have unique needs and capabilities introduced what concept of modern education?
Sebastian in Disney’s The Little Mermaid?
The eyes
What are the only self-cleaning organs on both men and women?
One pound
What’s the U. S. equivalent of 0.45 kilograms?
An uncontrollable desire to buy things.
What is the chief symptom of someone suffering from oniomania?
A boat
A “yawl” is a type of what?
Arsenic And Old Lace (1944)
What film had this line? I’m Not A Cabdriver. I’m A Coffeepot.
What makes up 60-70% of human body weight?
What number is represented in Roman Numerals by the letter ‘D’?
What is the only English word anagram of ‘wrong’?
Visit a Supermarket
An average American does it 2.2 times a week — what?
Goodbye girl
What ‘gg’ starred Richard Dreyfus and Marsha mason, as reluctant flatsharers?
Central Nervous System
What is the initials CNS stand for with regard to the human body?
One billion
What number does “Giga” stand for?