Assessment #1 | Assessment #2 | Assessment #3 |
the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
What is Assessment?
True or False?
Assessment is an ongoing process that occurs whenever a child speaks, listens, reads, views something, and informs you. |
It guides the teachers instructional decisions and it allows them to track students progress.
Why is Assessment Important?
Is to improve teaching and learning.
What is the primary purpose of assessment?
True: It is important so students can learn on their own beyond the classroom.
True or False?
Self-Assessment is important for students. |
Virginia and Alaska
What two states have not adopted the Common Core?
No: Assessments consider cultural, development, and learners factors.
Yes or No?
Is there one assessment made for all students? |
conferences, portfolios, tests, worksheets, rubrics, self-reflections, running records.
What are FOUR ways you can assess a child?
EXAMPLE: Observation. |
Formative:On going assessment that occurs at any step during students learning experience to provide feedback as they continue working.
and Summative: Looks at the end product or final results of a learning experience.
What are two types of assessment? [name & define]
Cooper (2008) identifies _____ principles to help guide teachers in carrying out literacy assessment in the classroom?
Looks at what students actual do in real reading, writing, language experiences.
What is authentic assessment?
Standardized norm-referenced tests (SNRTs)
Test that compare the performance of students to that of the sample of students used to create the scoring norms of the test are called?
Oral Language, Written Language, Reading, & Spelling
What are the FOUR Language Arts Development Benchmarks?
International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English.
Who developed the standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing?
Identify the Language arts standards or learning objective from the Language arts curriculum.
There is a 5 step assessment cycle when assessing Language arts. What is Step #1?