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What is Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Who won the 2021 Super Bowl Championship
What is F=ma
Newton's 2nd Law
What is 1891
The Year A&T was established
What is February
Month of the year that Black History Month is celebrated
What is 300
The highest score that possible in a game of bowling
What is 7
How many movies are in the Harry Potter Series
What is 9.81
The numerical value for gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
What is 2018
The year that the new student center on campus opened
What is Nobel Peace Prize
The award that Martin Luther King received in 1964
What is Federal
The F in FBI stands for
What is 18
How many holes are there in a full round of golf
What is Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
ABET stands for...
What is McNeil, McCain, Blair, and Richmond
Four Village Dorm Names
What is The Emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the U.S.
Juneteenth (June 19th) commemorates this
What are Fruit Flies
The first animal to be sent into space
Who is Michael Jackson
Sings the song 'Rock With You' that dropped in 1979
Who is Robert E. McNair
The main Engineering building on campus was named after alumnus and former astronaut...
What is 'Old Aggie Spirit'
Our School Fight Song
Who is Toni Morrison
The first African American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
What is Yellow
The color of the M in McDonalds
Who is Woody
The name of the cowboy in Toy Story
Who is Dr. Fredrick Ferguson
The Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering on campus
What is BB&T Stadium
The name of the football stadium
What is Illinois
Before becoming president of the U.S. Barack Obama served as U.S. senator for this Midwestern state
What is Tennessee
The state referred to as the volunteer state