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What is yellow
My favorite color
What is yellow and blue
School colors
What is shawn meledez
Best male singer
What is russia and ukrain
Current war
What is disney world
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What is peace sign with puckered lips
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Who is Ryan
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What is stanky leg
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What is bengles and cheifs
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What is key west
Southern tip of the us
What is Heartland and Gilmore Girls
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What is 2
How many floors
What is a dude
Who knows victorias secret
What is chicken franchese
Whats for dinner
What is orange
State fruit
What is wordle
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What is a vampire
Mr hannas true identity
What is yellow
What color submerine do we all live in
What is an hour
How long does dad sit on the toilet
What is okeechobee
Largest lake
What is northern private
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What is stanley
What is mj
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What is home
Where are we
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