Vocabulary One (1) | Types of Asexual Methods | Cell Cycle | Reproduction Two | Challenge Yourself! |
What is Mitosis?
The cell division process, in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei...
What is budding?
A type of reproduction where the offspring has the same nucleus but uneven cytoplasm. There is a buldge ready to break away
What is Anaphase?
The cycle where the chromosomes are pulled apart and turn into chromatids
What is a clone?
The identical copy of an asexual organism...
Reproduction is usually quickest
An Advantage of Asexual Reproduction... (Hint: Think about time)
What is a Chromosome?
The "X" structure found in the nucleus that contains the heredity material...
What is vegetative propagation?
A type of reproduction where the cut of a leaf can be used to grow a plant.
What is Prophase?
The phase where there are now a duplicated pair of centrioles and spindle fibers
(2) asexual reproduction, with genetically identical offspring
Bacteria duplicates through binary fission. Binary fission is described as:
1) sexual reproduction, with genetically identical offspring (2) asexual reproduction, with genetically identical offspring (3) sexual reproduction, with genetically different o |
(2) Cell Division
How do broken bones heal?
(1) adaptation (2) cell division (3) mutation (4) chemical digestion |
What is Asexual Reproduction?
The type of reproduction where the offspring born is produced from one parent...
What is regeneration?
A type of reproduction where an organism may have its limbs cut and can regrow them.
What is Metaphase?
The phase of Mitosis, where the cell's chromosomes line up at the equator or the middle...
What are Budding, Binary Fission, Spores, Vegetative Reproduction and Regenreration?
These are the five main types of asexual reproduction...
Reproduction of unwanted offspring may spread like a virus
A Disadvantage of Asexual Reproduction...
What is DNA?
The blueprint containing an organism's genetic information on he or she will look like
What is a Spore?
A type of reproduction where small speckles found on a leaf can fall off and grow from the ground.
What is Telophase?
The phase of Mitosis, where the cytoplasm is pinched in the middle of the cell and chromosomes are moving at opposite ends of the cell...
Organism -> Organ System -> Organ -> Tissue -> Cell
The sequence that represents the 5 CORRECT levels of organization from largest to smallest
(2) Leaves with tiny plants fall and grow into new plants
One example of asexual reproduction is:
(1) Organisms becoming extinct. (2) Leaves with tiny plants fall and grow into new plants. (3) Organisms compete for food. (4) Metamorphosis over time. |
What is Metaphase?
In this phase, you no longer see the nuclear membrane in the cell.
What is Binary Fission?
A type of reproduction where bacteria cells reproduce identical daughter cells; same nucleus, same cytoplasm
What is Interphase?
This phase is considered the "resting" phase...
What is Prophase?
The phase of Mitosis, where the nuclear membrane begins to dissolve and chromosomes become visible...
(4) Cell Division
A plant forms new tissue at the tips of its roots and stems. This new tissue growth is a direct result of
(1) circulation (3) cellular respiration (2) coordination (4) cell division |